What happens when your web designer finishes your new website?

You are happy with the design. Your new website looks great.

Now, what?

What happens next will determine the success of your website.

People will not find your website without a big marketing push.

If you want your website to drive more business for you, you need to market it.

Here are some amazing ways to market your new website.

1. Email Marketing

Email marketing is still one of the most effective website marketing tools. From day one, grow your email list. When someone has subscribed to your email list, they have shown that they trust your business.

To make email marketing your work you need to take the following steps:

  • Install an email subscription website feature.
  • Create an email marketing account. We use Mailchimp at Topofy, but there are countless other email marketing options.
  • Give website visitors a reason to subscribe to your email list. You can’t just ask people to subscribe to your newsletter. They won’t do it. Give them something they want. You could offer industry updates, tips and how-to content, an eBook, a report, etc.
  • Email your subscribers regularly. Send, at least, one email per month.
  • Don’t try to sell with every email. The content of your email should be helpful information, not a sales letter.

2. Social Media

One of the easiest ways to connect with your future customers is through social media. The most important thing about social media marketing is to find the right platform for your target market.

Do you have a B2B or a B2C target market?

If you have a B2B target market, it is best to market your website through LinkedIn. If your target marketing is B2C, focus more on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

Don’t try to be everywhere. Focus on 2-3 social media platforms and stay active. The keyword here is “active.” Most businesses a quick to create social network accounts. They are even quicker about forgetting about them.

To make social media marketing work for your business, you have to stay active.

3. Content Marketing

One of the most effective website marketing tactics is content marketing. Content marketing is simple. Create great content. Promote your website content.

Most websites have very little content. The content they have is far from great quality.

Content marketing starts with creating great content.

Examples of great content are:

  • Blog posts
  • Tutorials
  • Lessons or How-tos
  • Reports
  • White papers
  • Case studies
  • Explainer videos
  • Podcasts
  • Infographics

How do you know if you have great content? Find examples of similar content and make yours better. If you find a great article on your topic to be 1000 words long, make your 1500 words. The goal is to make your content more detailed, better researched, and longer than what is already out there.

If you want your content to be noticed, you must do two things:

  1. You have to create significantly better content than what is already available.
  2. You have to promote your content.

Most websites with great content fail to promote their content. The result is people will never find your content. You must market or promote your content if you want it noticed.

Promote your content the following ways:

  • Set up an RSS feed
  • Every time you publish new content email a link to your subscribers.
  • Share it on your social media accounts.
  • Reach out to influencers and tell them about your content.
  • Create powerful images and infographics.
  • Install social share buttons on your website.
  • Use related hashtags for greater exposure.
  • If you have a B2B target market, post content on LinkedIn.
  • Comment on related blogs. Don’t spam. Read relevant blog posts and become part of the conversation.
  • Become active on relevant forums and groups.
  • Repurpose your content. Take your most popular blog posts and convert them into Youtube videos. Collect your most popular posts into an ebook and publish it on Kindle. Create presentations of your most popular content.

4. Networking

Amplify your website marketing through networking. People who know about you and care about you want to help you succeed.

Reach out to people in your network. Ask them to spread the word about your website.

Make it easy for them. Spell out exactly what you want them to do.

Do you want introductions? Tell them who you want to be introduced to. Don’t assume that your friends will know what you want them to do. Ask them what you want.

5. Video Marketing

Video marketing is a great website marketing tactic. People love videos. As long as they are entertaining. Keep your videos short and to the point.

The best place to host your videos is Youtube. Upload your videos to Youtube. Next, optimize your videos for your target keywords.

Here are some great video ideas:

  • Product introductions.
  • Interviews with experts, team members, or customers.
  • Tutorials
  • Courses
  • Case studies

6. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

There is so much competition online that your website will be unnoticed without SEO.

SEO should have an impact on everything on your website.

Your SEO should determine:

  • The content you create for your website.
  • The keywords you are using throughout your website.
  • The way you promote your content.
  • The way you optimize each web page.

SEO is also an ongoing marketing strategy. The most successful websites constantly working on SEO.

7. PPC (Pay Per Click)

The one disadvantage of SEO is that it takes time. It might take you 6 months to a year to notice the results of your SEO efforts.

PPC is instant. You are basically paying for each click to your website. It is expensive, but it works immediately.

PPC is great, but you need a healthy monthly budget. If you are just starting out, you might not be able to afford this website marketing tactic.

8. Remarketing

Remarketing is another form of PPC marketing. With PPC you are marketing to everyone. With retargeting you are only marketing to those who have been to your website.

Remarketing is much more focused than regular PPC marketing.

Remarketing gives you a second or third or fourth chance to convert the same person.

Remarketing works by adding a tracking pixel your website. The tracking pixel enables you to target ads to the same visitors.

9. PR

Use press releases to announce news about your business. Each press release should link back to a landing page of your website.

Here is how to get the most website marketing juice out of your press releases:

  • Include a couple of references to your website.
  • Show your URL.
  • Start with a powerful headline.
  • Write a strong elevator pitch. Make sure it is at the top of your press release.
  • Cross promote with brands your readers would recognize.
  • Also, publish your press release on your website.
  • Use reputable press release distribution services.
  • Post your press release multiple times on your social media accounts.
  • Include your target keywords.

10. Mobile First

Mobile optimization used to be an afterthought. Today, there is a good chance that the first time someone sees your website in on a mobile device. It might be that some people will only interact with your website using their mobile phones.

Optimize your website marketing for mobile the following ways:

  • Build a website that is easy to use on mobile devices.
  • Convert your mobile visitors to email subscribers. Make sure that you use a mobile-friendly email squeeze feature.
  • Simplify your call to action.

Keep in mind that a growing number of people prefer to use their mobile devices to look at your website.

11. Offline Marketing

There are many examples of offline website marketing.

If you have a brick-and-mortar business, use signs to drive traffic to your website. Lately, sign spinners have been very effective. It’s hard to ignore a person spinning a sign at a busy intersection.

Contact radio shows and offer to be interviewed as an expert. You could also become a speaker at conferences or tradeshows.

Join your local Chamber of Commerce. Attend their meetings, to network with potential customers.

If you have the budget for it, distribute flyers. An even larger budget can buy you ads on television. Local TV ads are surprisingly affordable.

Advertise in niche trade magazines. They are usually smaller circulation than mainstream magazines.

Wrap your car, to drive traffic to your website. If your company has service vehicles, make sure that all of them have your web address printed.

Organize seminars. Invite prospects to a free or a low-cost seminar.


photo credit: Elbrus – Responsive WordPress Magazine Theme #2