What do bearded dragons have to do with arugula? Arugula or roquette is an annual plant species in the family Brassicaceae (subfamily Brassicoideae). It has been cultivated since antiquity, and is now widespread in cultivation worldwide. In some English-speaking countries, arugula may be referred to as rocket; this word, however, can also refer to Eruca sativa, a related species sometimes called garden rocket or salad rocket, which has very different culinary properties and uses.

But, the question is: Can bearded dragons eat arugula?

Bearded dragons can eat arugula. Arugula has many health benefits for bearded dragons. This leafy green is packed with vitamins and minerals.

Is it safe to feed arugula to bearded dragons?

Arguably, a big part of keeping pet lizards like bearded dragons is finding out what they can and cannot eat. After all, it would be rather unfortunate to discover that your pet’s favorite snack was potentially dangerous for it.

Arugula, also known as salad rocket or roquette in French, is a superfood packed with vitamins and minerals. But is it safe for your pet to munch on? And should you keep them apart while they dine? Let’s find out…

Arugula should never be given as the only source of diet

Arugula is a healthy, leafy green and can be a great addition to a bearded dragon’s diet. It should not, however, be given as their only source of diet. Bearded dragons need protein and they need plenty of calcium to keep their bones strong. Plant-based diets are great but still require supplements in order to provide what reptiles need most.

While it’s fine to include arugula in your bearded dragon’s diet on occasion, you shouldn’t feed it every day. Talk with your vet about making sure your little critter is getting all of their needs met.

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Can bearded dragons eat arugula every day?

Yes, but you should only feed them a small amount because it contains high levels of oxalic acid, which can cause kidney failure if too much is consumed. As with all vegetables, check your bearded dragon’s stool every day to make sure he’s defecating regularly. If his droppings become too large or start to look like small rocks, you should discontinue feeding him any form of greens until they return to normal.

Although large amounts of arugula are very unhealthy for your lizard, small amounts aren’t likely to cause any lasting harm provided they don’t occur often enough to prevent his stools from being regularly formed and unformed.

Can bearded dragons eat spinach or arugula?

Most greens are safe for your bearded dragon to consume, but spinach can contain oxalates, which can be harmful. Bearded dragons have voracious appetites, so it’s important that you only give them healthy greens and vegetables. Arugula also has oxalate content; limit your pet’s intake to avoid kidney damage.

What greens are toxic to bearded dragons?

In general, most leafy greens are toxic to your bearded dragon. If you want to introduce greens into your dragon’s diet, make sure they are organic. Also, avoid giving him any of these types of greens: dandelion leaves and flowers; lamb’s quarters; plantain; wild lettuces and spinach.

When it comes to fruit, do not feed him apple seeds because they are toxic as well. Do not feed him orange or grapefruit rinds either because they contain citric acid that is poisonous for him. After all of these no-nos, there isn’t much left in terms of foods that he can enjoy.

What are the health benefits of feeding arugula to bearded dragons?

There are many health benefits of feeding your bearded dragon arugula; it is a great source of Vitamin K, C, A and iron. Arugula also contains calcium, phosphorus and zinc. Like most greens, arugula is a good source of iron but also has twice as much iron as spinach! You can find out more information here: What are the health benefits of feeding your pet arugula?

If you want to take good care of your Beardie it’s not enough to just buy one. You need to make sure that you provide all that he needs – his own habitat (with plants, rocks etc.), nutritious food and enough space for exercise.

How to prepare arugula for your bearded dragon?

There’s a reason more and more people are adopting bearded dragons as pets. If you’re considering adding one to your family, but aren’t sure what their diet should consist of, read on. As for feeding your new pet, it’s always best to start out with a healthy diet that consists of greens and veggies.

For example, one popular option is arugula. However, like most plants and produce items sold in grocery stores, it might not be safe for your dragon if not prepared correctly. Below we discuss how to prepare it safely so that you can safely feed it to your pet without any issues.

Is baby arugula healthy for your bearded dragon?

Baby arugula is healthy for bearded dragons, as it has a lot of health benefits. Baby arugula contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are both nutrients that protect your eyesight, and is rich in beta-carotene, which helps prevent osteoporosis.

Baby arugula also provides a significant amount of vitamin K, which is great for strong bones and may lower cancer risk, while also providing decent amounts of iron. Arugula also contains omega-3 fatty acids (as well as vitamins C and E), which help build cell membranes and boost eye health.

Arugula is rich in beta carotene

Beta carotene, also known as pro-vitamin A, is a substance commonly found in leafy greens and is vital for proper vision and eye health. Arguably one of the most important vitamins for our eyes, beta carotene is converted into vitamin A in order to aid our vision. It also protects against macular degeneration by strengthening blood vessels in our retinas.

The nutrient is found in many types of leafy greens including kale, spinach and chard—and it’s also surprisingly high in purple arugula. Eat your rainbow! Bearded dragons are omnivores: Dragons will happily enjoy plants like dandelions (yes!) along with live insects such as crickets, mealworms and wax worms.

Arugula can be used to feed lizards that prefer greens

Green iguanas and green anoles, as well as leopard geckos and bearded dragons that require a healthy amount of greens in their diet. Greens can provide significant amounts of vitamins to keep your lizards healthy.

Related post: Do Leopard Geckos Have Teeth?

If you don’t know whether or not your lizard prefers greens, feed it a combination of veggies to begin with; only use greens on occasion. If you have any concern about feeding arugula to your lizard, consult with a vet before serving it up.

What minerals does arugula contain?

There are many leafy greens that bearded dragons can eat, but arugula isn’t one of them. Although this green has a reputation as being a superfood, it contains little in the way of nutrition when compared to other leafy greens like romaine lettuce or spinach.

The reason why bearded dragons can’t eat arugula has to do with what minerals it contains and how these minerals interact with different animals’ digestive systems.

How much arugula can bearded dragons eat?

Once your pet bearded dragon has reached full growth, you can begin feeding it greens to supplement its diet. Arguably one of the healthiest greens for bearded dragons is arugula. Arugula contains many vitamins and minerals that will keep your beardie healthy, like vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, thiamin and riboflavin.

It also contains both iron and calcium which will benefit a bearded dragon’s bones. However, make sure to limit how much arugula you feed your beardie; too much may cause diarrhea or other gastrointestinal issues in your pet. To avoid any such problems, give your beardie one pinch of fresh or dried arugula a day and make sure it has access to water at all times as well.

What vitamins does arugula contain?

The vitamins found in arugula help your body absorb a number of minerals, including zinc, iron and calcium. Zinc is used for healing wounds, reducing acne and removing excess toxins from your body; iron is key to red blood cell production; and calcium maintains strong bones.

Even if you’re not thinking about putting bearded dragons on your menu anytime soon, it’s good to know what nutrients are available in healthy veggies like arugula. It’ll help ensure you’re getting everything you need from meals or supplements when needed.

Is arugula a good source of fiber?

How much arugula should bearded dragons eat in order to get enough fiber? Arguably, arugula contains some of the best sources of fiber out there – can bearded dragons eat it as part of their diet? Of course they can!

In fact, they’ll need it in order to maintain good digestive health and even ward off certain illnesses caused by lack of sufficient dietary fiber. But before we dive into why bearded dragons need plenty of dietary fiber, let’s take a look at what this particular type of leafy green vegetable is made up of.

Does arugula contain protein?

Arguably one of its greatest health benefits is that it is a rich source of protein. So, can bearded dragons eat arugula? Yes, bearded dragons can eat arugula. Because of its high protein content, adding a few baby greens to your lizard’s diet might help make up for any deficiencies in its regular food.

Of course, make sure you only feed it organic arugula since spinach and other baby greens are known to be high in nitrates. This can poison your dragon and lead to fatal consequences if ingested in large quantities. But if he or she eats it as part of a balanced diet with plenty of other protein sources as well, there should be no cause for concern.

Should you serve your bearded dragon raw arugula?

One of your bearded dragon’s favorite dishes is about to get even more popular! New research has shown that raw arugula is an excellent source of dietary fiber, with 10.6 grams per one cup serving. There is, however, some debate as to whether your bearded dragon should eat arugula raw or cooked.

Should you serve your bearded dragon cooked arugula?

While cooked or steamed arugula is likely fine for your bearded dragon, you should consult with an experienced reptile vet before deciding whether to serve it as part of your bearded dragon’s regular diet. You should never feed raw arugula to your bearded dragon—even if it’s organic and sprayed-free, as can happen in some markets.

Raw greens can carry salmonella and E. coli, both of which are harmful to reptiles and other pets (and humans). Feeding cooked or steamed greens might be slightly safer, but you should still only do so once every few weeks at most.