High blood pressure, otherwise identified as hypertension, is an observable common condition of the body, following which many discomforts are created. Not knowing how to lower blood pressure with timely care, the consequences may be threatening in some cases. There are pharmaceutical drugs to treat but mostly with side effects in any corner of the body. So, wise people have their thoughts shifted to natural medicine.

Do garlic and onion lower blood pressure?

It is claimed that an increase of cholesterol in the blood is the major factor that causes building fatty plaques on the artery walls leading to increased blood pressure and heart disease. So, the Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics emphasizes consuming onion and garlic as very good medicinal diet foods to lower blood cholesterol levels, thereby reducing blood pressure to normalcy. In addition, studies in the United States and Germany also support consuming garlic and onion for medicinal values to control bad cholesterol in the bloodstream.

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Do fruits and other foods lower blood pressure?

So, it is consoling that there are ways and means to lower blood pressure by controlling cholesterol with drugs but supported by changes in diet regimens. Foods included in the ‘Cholesterol control foods’ list are pomegranates, walnuts, and fish varieties. Olive oil is a good source of antioxidants helping control cholesterol and keep normal blood pressure levels. It is suggested that you can enjoy maximum benefits when avoiding high-carb foods. Low carb foods are quite friendly to lower three ingredients of blood pressure called triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood sugar.

Does Hibiscus tea lower blood pressure?

Hibiscus tea occupies an outstanding role in the list of good foods for blood pressure as other popular hypertension drugs. It is consumed far and wide worldwide as a delicious beverage similar to lemon mixed Red Ginger tea. That way, hibiscus is safe and promising in lowering blood pressure. The plus in drinking hibiscus tea as a medicinal beverage is free from detrimental side effects leading to any other health issue.

Onion, Garlic and hibiscus plants are not rare plants to grow. They are simply domestic plants that you can grow in your home garden if interested and enjoy the fabulous fresh benefits. So, it is claimed as a homely medicine when on hand to lower blood pressure.

Does salt increase blood pressure?

It is common knowledge that salt is not good for keeping normal blood pressure, and it is linked with many health hazards. Increased addition of sodium chloride in dietary foods, either cooked or raw, is harmful to the heart as the salt installs a filmy coat inside the arteries. This, in turn, can hold back the fluent flow of blood in the cardiovascular channels. So, it is justified that one chooses to eliminate adding sodium chloride as much as one can adjust for reduced taste when cooking vegetables and food grains. But, here is the perplexing fact that reduced sodium salt in foods is likely to increase heart health risks associated with high diastolic pressure.

Isn’t it alarming and just the opposite of what you might have formed an opinion about the use of sodium chloride in foodstuffs for taste-making? But it has been proven recently that cutting salt might increase the risk for heart malfunction or heart attack. There is evidence to claim that a low salt diet leads to undesirable negative consequences with health issues associated with the heart with the cardiovascular system. A recent research report published in the American Journal of Hypertension online claims that reducing sodium salt impacts blood pressure. Low salt measure in foods causes an increase of triglycerides and total cholesterol. What is still worse is the excessive secretion of the stress hormone adrenaline. It is also hence to be admitted that low salt intake might end up in cardiovascular complications.

Does blood sugar increase blood pressure?

Blood sugar is another factor that raises blood pressure. Blood sugar and blood pressure go hand in hand. Low blood sugar may also cause low blood pressure. So, it is wise to control blood sugar in the bloodstream by including cinnamon, vinegar, bitter melon, and fenugreek seeds in your regular diet.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure (HBP) is also known as Hypertension. It is a state in which blood pressure in either arteries or veins is unusually high. The highest pressure reached during each heartbeat is called Systolic pressure, and the lowest is the diastolic pressure. The normal range is 120/80 mm of Hg and can go up to 160/90 mm of Hg with an increase in age. The fast pace of life and the modern world is responsible for the rise in blood pressure.

Hypertension is also named as “SILENT KILLER.” It is because of the undetectable nature of HBP that it has been assigned this name. People having HBP are usually unaware of it until they get it checked. As a result, one can suffer from HBP for many years without even being aware of its existence. This unrecognized nature can cause severe damage to the heart as well as other organs. It can cause heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.

A serious and acute HBP is known as Malignant Hypertension. It is a condition in which the diastolic blood pressure surpasses 140mm of Hg, and the patient is required to be hospitalized immediately without any delay to prevent brain hemorrhage.

It is to be noted that HBP is a symptom and not a disease. Most of the time, there are no symptoms for recognizing it, but some that may occur are as follows:

  • Headaches: High Blood Pressure can lead to severe headaches.
  • Heart Pain: High Blood Pressure causes high stress on the heart, which results in discomfort or pain in the heart.
  • Palpitations: Palpitations are heartbeat sensations. HBP may sometimes cause the unpleasant consciousness of one’s heartbeat.
  • Nosebleed (Epitasis): The nose may bleed due to many reasons, but it is always good to get it checked when there is no particular cause for it.
  • Dizziness: It is a common experience for people suffering from hypertension. The high flow of blood in the arteries and veins makes one feel dizzy.
  • Blurred Vision: A person suffering from blurred vision feels deficiency in vision. Therefore, the blood pressure should be maintained at the normal level to treat and prevent blurred vision.
  • Confusion: It is the inability to think with your usual speed or clarity. It is more common in elderly people. HBP is one of the main causes of confusion.
  • Ear Noise or Buzzing: Medically it is called “Tinnitus.” If the cause of tinnitus is unknown, blood pressure should be measured.
  • Breathlessness: High Blood Pressure can cause breathlessness if the heart cannot pump enough blood to supply oxygen to the body.
  • Sleepiness (Insomnia): It is a state of a strong desire for sleep. In addition, the abnormal supply of blood leads to drowsiness which furthers the feeling of sleepiness.

In rare cases, hypertension may result in swelling of the brain. In addition, long term High Blood Pressure, if not cured, can cause damage to organs in the following ways :

  • Heart attack or failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Eye damage resulting in loss of vision
  • Claudication: Avascular disease leading to narrowing and hardening of arteries that supply blood to legs and feet.
  • Aneurysms: It is a disease in which a blood-filled balloon-like bulge occurs in the wall of blood vessels.

The Truth about Women and High Blood Pressure

With persistent hypertension being one of the risk factors of myocardial infarction, heart failure, stroke, and arterial aneurysm, high blood pressure is a very serious condition among women. High blood pressure is also the leading cause of chronic kidney failure and other chronic ailments. Indeed, high blood pressure shortens an individual’s lifespan and must be dealt with properly and promptly. For women, the dangers and symptoms are quite identical to those experienced by men. This would mean that both sexes’ signs, symptoms, and treatment regimens are fairly similar with only slight differences.

It is of the highest importance that people understand the truths about high blood pressure in women to prevent and combat this condition. With our current information age and the inherent ease of procuring information, individuals must collect only factual information and helpful insights to ensure that women are spared of this common and yet deadly medical condition.

Myth 1 – High Blood Pressure is symptomatic and is not clinically silent among women. It would always present signs and symptoms right whenever the blood pressure rises.

Fact 1 – Women may not exhibit any symptoms at the onset of blood pressure increase or during a hypertensive crisis. Although symptoms do commonly and frequently arise, many cases go unnoticed, mainly due to lack of symptoms. There have been numerous cases of women who did not exhibit any symptoms during the worsening hypertensive crisis. Women should measure and conduct blood pressure readings from time to time as this myth leaves women more vulnerable to hypertension.

Myth 2 – Women may experience headaches during high blood pressure occurrences while still having clear and intact cognitive processes. Judgment and rational thinking are not affected during the hypertensive crisis.

Fact 2 – Hypertension causes varying levels of confusion that go along with dizziness, leading to an individual’s sense of disorientation. Aside from the pain caused by headache and nausea, confusion normally appears as a symptom. In addition, this condition clouds the mind; irrationality and intense irritability become apparent with slurred speech and disorganized sentence construction.

Myth 3 – The incidence of vomiting together with hypertension is greater among males than in females. Males experience vomiting when they have high blood pressure, and only a small portion of women with hypertension would experience vomiting as a symptom.

Fact 3 – This is false as numerous studies have shown males and females both experience vomiting as their blood pressure rises. It is important to note that sex and gender are not predisposing factors that trigger high blood pressure development and/or occurrence. It is one of the many positive symptoms experienced by both men and women who have a history of hypertension.

Myth 4 – The feeling of being short of breath only manifests during or directly after any level of physical activity. Dyspnea or difficulty breathing only would appear as a symptom of hypertension if an individual had just finished moderately to extreme physical exertion.

Fact 4 – Dyspnea is one of the many positive symptoms which point to hypertension among women. A woman experiences shortness of breath even while lying down or in a very relaxed body position. Women’s shortness of breath is an indicator that high blood pressure is present and should immediately be managed and treated to avoid worsening of symptoms.
Myth 5 – Double Vision is a rare occurrence among hypertensive women. It accounts for less than a quarter of those who have high blood pressure, and even then, the double vision is usually not that severe.

Fact 5– This is false as reports have shown that close to half of the women with hypertension experience some level of double vision. Women who present double vision as an accompanying symptom of hypertension account for a larger percentage than conventionally known. Women must be cautious as this visual impairment may lead to accidents while doing various chores.

Myth 6 – Family history of high blood pressure among women can be attributed to the female genes and does not affect male members of the family. Consequently, hypertension incidence prevalent among the males in a family can only be attributed to the male genes in their bloodline.

Myth 6 – Both male and female family members can be afflicted and may develop hypertension as long as they have a family history of high blood pressure. Regardless of gender, both males and females are at risk of developing hypertension if one of their parents or both have a family history of hypertension. Therefore, gender is not an unmodifiable risk factor among hypertensive individuals. This chronic cardiovascular problem does not discriminate and is more likely to attack people who have a family history of high blood pressure with unhealthy diet and lifestyle habits.

Women, just like men, are very much susceptible to high blood pressure. Therefore, females must be given a proper understanding of the symptoms which accompany this illness. With hypertension leading to much more extreme body problems, women should not take hypertension and its physical signs and symptoms for granted. High blood pressure can only be regulated if preventive measures are taken seriously. This means that a healthy diet, a more active lifestyle, and a good outlook in life should be observed not only by women but also by both genders to avoid worsened cardiovascular problems, leading to irreversible and deadly complications.

Foods that Lower Blood Pressure Quickly

For many people consuming the right food could help lower their blood pressure. Their mindset is directed towards searching for an alternative solution to find out natural blood pressure reducers. Though no allergic problems are linked with them, they consult doctors to get the right type of treatment but in a different style of choosing a natural way of treatment.

Blood pressure may be causing damages to internal parts of the body if the optimal levels shoot up. It is high blood sugar or hypertension, which is a common disease prevalent in men and women. Hypertension is, medical terminology, identified as “Silent killer” for the simple reason that it shows no warning symptoms. It is true in victims of heart disease, kidney damage, brain fever, and lung damage. Though blood pressure is detrimental to patients of any age, it’s commonly affecting aged people.

A research study on hypertension shows that 50% of men and 70% of women in the U.S. have hypertension and the associated risks. The risk factors of hypertension are usually high cholesterol fats, smoking, and diabetes. Here we are intended to set a brief discussion on natural blood pressure treatment. You can better try any following: the dietary spice garlic, fish oil, and dietary supplements like Hawthorn, Arginine, C12 peptide.

Garlic and high blood pressure

Garlic is indeed a wonderful natural blood pressure reducer. There are plenty of options to avoid high blood pressure. It is not exaggerating that many people do not know that their lifestyle and food habits contribute a lot to making a body hypertensive. They are mostly unaware that some natural supplements are helping positively control blood pressure to be within 120/80. If one concentrates on exercise and proper diet habits, there is a very low chance of fear hypertension. As such, garlic is a natural medicine and food that can be taken directly as shots. The garlic benefits can also be enjoyed by taking garlic pills, garlic capsules, garlic syrups, and garlic paste.

Fish oil for blood pressure

It has been established that fish oil is a natural high blood pressure remedy that can decrease blood pressure by 2 mm. Meta-analysis of repeated placebo-controlled trials has proved the effect of omega-3 fatty acids in fish oils to naturally reduce high blood pressure. There is a closely bonded relationship between fish oil and blood pressure. There is sufficient evidence to believe that ample intake of omega-3 fats through fish oil has a long-range of coverage to treat cardiovascular blockage. Omega-3 fatty acid is rich in fatty fish varieties like mackerel and salmon.

Natural products or foods that lower blood pressure:

  • Hawthorn supplements derived from berries, flowers, and leaves are popularly used for lowering blood pressure. Therefore, regular intake of Hawthorn berries are recommended as a natural supplement bearing cardiovascular benefits.
  • Arginine is a dietary supplement containing amino acids found rich in meats, seafood, and vegetables. Having a positive role in controlling blood pressure, Arginine helps in various bodily conditions, including type 2 diabetes and sexual dysfunction. In addition, L-arginine infusions help lower blood pressure, and after angioplasty, the arteries are protected from getting reclosed in the future.
  • C-12 peptide is a good natural dietary supplement that can be consumed for the blood pressure body. It is an enzyme extracted from milk protein casein in dietary supplements and bonito fish. The beneficial enzyme is a natural and active ingredient that has a good role in blood pressure support.

Finding a natural way to reduce blood pressure is best suggested to avoid the side effects of prescription medicines.