The cat’s claw comprises the keratinized section, and the pink interior is called the quick. A superposition of horny layers forms the keratinized part. And the quick or nail pulp in the center contains the nerves and the blood vessels.

Kittens have five toes on their front legs and four toes on their hind ones. This fifth toe is called a dewclaw. House tigers use claws for climbing.

The claws of a pussycat are necessary for self-defense, clutching down on prey, scratching (hopefully not scratching your carpet or scratching furniture), walking, digging, and balance. But overgrown cat claws can cause problems for your kitty.

Thanks to the flexor tendons, cat claws are retractable. Therefore they are viewable only when extended (climbing, self-defense, hunting). And because retracted claws normally don’t touch the ground, therefore, don’t naturally wear out. It is, therefore, necessary to trim a cat’s claws.

If you have an indoor cat, it’s necessary to trim your cat’s claws. While claws don’t need to be trimmed if your cat is an outdoor kitty, an indoor cat won’t shy away from using the furniture, carpet, and who knows what else to maintain her nails.

Allowing your pussycat to sharpen her uncut claws in your house could destroy your furniture, carpet, and other household items. In addition to cat-proofing your home, you should regularly trim your cat’s claws.

Can I trim cat nails with human clippers?

Human nail clippers are not the best tool to trim your cat’s nails. Although it isn’t necessarily dangerous to use human clippers, it may cause the nails to split. So, it’s best to use cat claw clippers instead.

How to trim cat nails without getting scratched?

The best way to trim your cat’s nails without getting scratched is to make sure your feline friend is relaxed.

Unless your cat loves getting her nails trimmed, “I didn’t think so,” the clipping process will be stressful for both of you. But, most importantly, if your kitten bolts out of your lap before you have a chance to complete the job, just let your kitty go.

And if you are lucky enough to trim at least one nail, reward your pussycat with a tasty treat. While your feline friend may not exactly fall in love with the idea of nail clipping, with proper preparation and a lot of patience, you might be able to trim your cat’s nails without getting scratched.

Related post: The Mysterious Case of the Cat Who Smells Like Maple Syrup

How often trim cat’s nails?

Normally, you should trim your cat’s nails every ten days to two weeks. But, the only way to know for sure is to look. If your cat’s claws are razor-sharp, long, or curved, it’s time for a trim.

Younger cats may require more frequent cutting than older ones. If you start trimming at an early age, your cat will be much more open to it. You know the saying “you can’t teach an old cat new tricks” is true.

How to trim your cat’s claws?

If you are unsure how to trim your cat’s claws, you should consult your vet. You can get your kitten accustomed to nail cutting from a young age. But, if this is the first time you cut your cat’s claws, you need to start slowly and carefully.

Use an appropriate cat claw scissor or cat claw clipper, not a human nail clipper. You can buy kitty claw clippers online, in your favorite pet shop or at a vet clinic.

The best way to trim your cat’s nails:

  • Settle your pussycat in a quiet place to avoid scaring your feline friend. Position your pet in your lap.
  • Have some treats ready and allow the cat to sniff the nail clippers.
  • Take the paw between your thumb and index finger, then press slightly on the top of the toe to extend the claw.
  • Before you clip! Don’t cut into the pink part of the claw. This part of the claw, called quick, holds the nerves and blood vessels.
  • Clip the claw a couple of millimeters, but don’t cut beyond the transparent part of the nail.
  • Don’t rush. You might not have a chance to trim every claw in one sitting. Give a tasty reward after the first claw to keep your kitten interested. If you notice any blood, contact your vet.
  • Never punish your cat for trying to run away when you try to trim her nails. Shouting or punishing will only make them less cooperative in the future.

My cat’s nails are splitting when I’m cutting them; HELP!

Cat’s nails may split when cutting them. Actually, it’s quite common for nails to split when cut. To avoid splitting nails, it’s important to cut across. In addition, you may be looking at shedding claws.

Sometimes cat nails split as a result of poor nutrition. And if the nail clippers are dull, they may cause nails to split. For a clean cut, nail clippers must be sharp and in good condition.

What do I do if I accidentally cut my cat’s nail too short?

If you accidentally cut your kitty’s nail too short, it may bleed. And to stop the bleeding, you can apply flour or corn starch. Apply pressure to the claw with a clean cloth for a few minutes. Don’t remove the cloth to check if the nail has stopped bleeding. Try to elevate your cat’s paw if neither one of you is too freaked out to move.

What happens if you don’t trim your cat’s nails?

If you don’t trim your cat’s nails, they may grow into the pad causing infection and even injury. Untrimmed claws don’t affect all cats the same way. For example, younger cats are less likely to suffer from uncut nails. But older cats could suffer due to claws that curl in on themselves partly because they are less active.

Therefore, it’s critical to regularly trim cats’ nails, young and old.

trim cat nails

When to trim your cat’s claws?

You should trim your cat’s claws at least once every two weeks. But, you might have to trim every week and a half, depending on your environment.

What is cat nail splintering?

Cat nail splintering is normal. Kitten claws split naturally as a result of their shredding process also called claw sheaths. This may look scary, but it’s pretty common. What’s more, cat nail splintering is a healthy sign. But, if cat nails split deeper, they may cause pain or bleeding.