Centipedes are creepy enough when they’re just hanging out in your garden or yard, but imagine the horror of waking up one night to find one in your bed! It’s not a pleasant thought, and fortunately there are several steps you can take to keep centipedes out of your bed in the first place.

Let’s dive into this list of seven tips to keep centipedes out of your bed (and some bonus advice if you already have a centipede guest!)

How to keep centipedes out of your bed?

It’s 6 a.m., and you decide to roll over for a few more minutes in bed. You feel something scurry across your body as you slowly make your way out from under your warm covers. You look down and realize it’s a centipede. Gross! While most people aren’t too fond of these creatures, they are beneficial because they eat other bugs (such as roaches).

Yet, their appearance is still pretty creepy — their long legs and slender bodies can definitely cause uneasiness when they show up uninvited in homes or beds. If you want to keep centipedes out of your bed and bedroom, here are seven tips for doing so.

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How to keep centipedes out of your bedroom?

It’s important to keep centipedes out of your bedroom. Since these creepy crawlers are attracted by light, be sure that all lights are off by 9 p.m., which will prevent them from crawling into bed with you and keeping you up all night.

While there is no hard evidence, many experts claim that centipede bites can cause migraines and/or a rash; as such, it’s also wise to keep them away from your face or any other part of your body that may get uncovered during sleep.

What is the best repellent for centipedes?

There are a few different repellents you can try, but most centipede experts say that baking soda is best because it’s cheap and safe. Place 1/4 cup of baking soda near your bed at night—in a bucket or box with holes in it—and make sure there’s no food around your bed either.

If you’re concerned about getting bitten during the day, you can place baking soda on a plate underneath your bed while you’re at work and then vacuum it up before going to sleep. Although other natural remedies like vinegar and peppermint oil have been suggested as well, they aren’t as effective as baking soda.

What is the best natural centipede repellent?

The best natural centipede repellent is a mixture of water and tea tree oil. Combine five drops of tea tree oil with a gallon of water, then apply it with a spray bottle around areas where you commonly see centipedes. Once you’ve sprayed down areas that are likely to have spiders or bugs, including bed frames, make sure you keep it out of reach for small children and pets.

You can also combine five drops each tea tree oil and olive oil with equal parts vinegar. To keep centipedes away from your home completely, spray natural repellents on plant leaves around your property every two weeks; that way any centipede or spider comes into contact with them will run in fear when they come back later.

How to keep centipedes out of your house?

If you have ever woken up in terror and felt something crawling on your body only to realize it was a centipede, I am here to tell you that I feel your pain. A lot of people don’t know how to keep centipedes out of their homes or what exactly they are, so let me fill you in. First off, these bugs look like long worms with one pair of legs per segment…

Hence why they are called centipedes—as in 100 feet—because they have between 15 and 40 pairs (depending on species) of legs! They also come in a variety of colors including yellow, orange, red and black; though some species have no color at all.

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Signs of Centipede Infestation

If you think you might have a centipede infestation, take a look around your home. Centipedes are usually nocturnal, but during winter and spring they may come out during daylight hours in search of mates or food. Look for skins shed by mating female centipedes under your bed, along baseboards and other areas where they may gather.

Avoiding cracks and crevices that provide shelter for centipedes will help prevent an infestation in your home; insecticides don’t work well against these pests because their exoskeletons offer strong protection from chemicals. You can also try lighting a candle near suspected nesting areas at night as some species of centipede are attracted to light; simply remove or blow out any flame before going to sleep.

Can centipedes climb up beds?

The common misconception is that centipedes can climb up beds and have even been dubbed bedbugs as a result. But bedbugs, which are not insects but rather an external parasite, are bloodsuckers; they don’t bite you, they suck your blood from where they’re hiding—typically in mattress seams.

If you encounter a bedbug or two in your bed, chances are good that it crawled there in search of a meal. It’s much more likely for you to find them under your box spring than on top of it. Because centipedes eat other bugs—like roaches or silverfish—and also scavenge for food when necessary, they’re less likely than bedbugs to come scurrying out from between your sheets.

Why are there centipedes in your bed?

You’re having a perfectly good night’s sleep when you feel something crawling on your face. At first, you think it might be a spider, but as you start to look around in your dark bedroom, you realize it’s not coming from above — it’s down low. That’s when you feel it on your toes and have a heart attack.

You don’t have a creepy crawly hanging off your body like in horror movies, but there is something crawling on or near you — and that something is dangerous: centipedes.

Why are there centipedes in your house?

First, you need to figure out why there are centipedes in your house. If it’s summer and it’s warm, they’re likely coming from outside. And if you notice them in places like attics or basements, that’s because they’re looking for food and water. The good news is that once you get rid of them, they’ll stay gone—but first, you have to track down their hiding spots and figure out how they’re getting into your home.

How to get rid of centipedes?

If you’re looking for how to get rid of centipedes from your house, it may be necessary for you to call a professional exterminator. These critters are generally found in areas where there is excessive moisture, such as bathrooms and basements. Getting rid of them can be tricky because they will often hide in hard-to-reach areas, such as underneath carpets or behind baseboards.

One option is using an electric insect killer, which will electrocute centipedes and other creepy crawlies before they have a chance to enter your home or bed sheets. If you don’t want to use an insect killer or can’t find any traces of centipede activity, there are still a few things you can do on your own