How fast can deer run? That’s an important question if you’re trying to outrun one, especially if you get in the middle of a close encounter with the animal, or even worse, the animal starts chasing you! Your distance from the deer and your speed are both essential parts of how long it will take for you to get away from the creature.

The more distance you put between yourself and the deer, and the faster you can run, the better chance you have of making it home safely. Let’s see how quickly these creatures can move through reading this article on how fast can deer run.

How fast can a deer run?

If you see a deer in your yard or you see one at a park, it’s natural to wonder how fast they can run. You’ve probably heard that a deer can outrun a human, but is that true? The simple answer is yes. A deer can outrun most humans (with some exceptions), but they usually don’t have to because they’re excellent at hiding and/or disappearing into their habitat to evade danger. Let’s take a look at some specific numbers and what determines how fast deer run.

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Why are deer so fast?

Part of what makes deer fast is that they don’t rely on speed alone. Their legs, which can support large body weight while remaining lean, are strong, especially in proportion to their body size. They also have a wide stance and large hooves with rounded edges (compared to moose or elk) that help them maintain traction in muddy conditions. But more than anything else, it’s their high-energy diet—composed primarily of protein—that helps give them enough oomph to outrun predators like wolves and mountain lions.

Can a human outrun a deer?

For most people, running away from a deer attack is likely to be as effective as running away from a bear. In fact, if it’s a buck in rut (also known as the rut or the rutting season), a deer’s speed can top 30 miles per hour—which is what it takes to run down most of its prey. However, there are plenty of factors that come into play in an actual deer attack: The time of year, for example, and how healthy and fit you are at any given moment.

Which deer is the fastest?

Red deer and Fallow deer are two of the fastest kinds of deer. According to A Complete Guide to Hunting Deer, red deer can run 30 miles per hour (48 kilometers per hour) for short distances. This makes them one of Britain’s most endangered animals. Fallow deer run even faster—they can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour (64 kilometers per hour). But it is important to note that these creatures are only able to sustain high speeds for a very short time. In fact, most types of common deer, including fallow and red, reach their maximum speed after just 10 yards or so.

How fast can whitetail deer run?

The whitetail deer is one of America’s most recognizable wildlife species. With an incredible ability to maneuver through a wide range of terrain, these ungulates are renowned for their speed. A mature buck can easily run up to 30 miles per hour and continue at that pace for more than a mile. A mule deer may not be as fast as its cousin, but it can certainly hold its own against other ungulates around North America, including elk and pronghorn antelope. Most adult male deer will reach speeds of 25 miles per hour at maximum effort, but they can only maintain that velocity for a few hundred yards before tiring out significantly.

How fast can a female deer run?

In most cases, males can run faster than their female counterparts. Male deer are more agile and have larger hooves that help them outpace females when they’re on a hot pursuit. When fleeing danger, deer of both sexes typically speed up to around 32 kilometers per hour (20 miles per hour). But during chases, male deer are generally able to reach speeds exceeding 60 kilometers per hour (37 miles per hour), while female deer tend to stay closer to 30 kilometers per hour (19 miles per hour). Surprisingly enough, when chased by dogs or people, even a small fawn is able to maintain its speed for longer than you’d think.

How fast can a mule deer run?

Mule deer are considered large species of deer. They can weigh up to 300 pounds and have antlers with spread that measure up to 6 feet wide. They live in forested areas in western North America, from British Columbia all the way down to Mexico. Like other deer species, mule deer are herbivores and eat leaves, buds, grasses and fruit year-round. Though their food sources are widespread throughout forests and woodlands during different seasons, mule deer do rely on seasonal shifts for survival. In autumn and winter when food sources decrease or become scarce because of lack of vegetation growth or heavy snowfall, many mule deer have to find ways to stockpile enough food before winter hits so they can get through it without starving or freezing to death.

How fast can a male deer run?

The fastest land animal in North America is actually a deer, but it’s not your average one-antlered, black-tailed deer we see rummaging through our trashcans. It’s a much bigger animal called a moose. So how fast can a moose run? According to some data from University of California Davis, mule deer can sprint as fast as 40 miles per hour (mph). However, they don’t maintain that speed for long, so they’re more sprinters than marathoners. The fastest recorded speed by a female whitetail deer was 38 mph.

How fast can a baby deer run?

A baby deer’s running ability is directly correlated to its size. Smaller babies are much faster than larger ones. The difference in speed is because it requires more effort for a larger animal to move its greater body mass. For example, an average-sized fawn can run at speeds up to 20 miles per hour (32 kilometers per hour), while smaller fawns can reach speeds of 25 miles per hour (40 kilometers per hour). Their super fast speed also helps protect young deer from predators, who have trouble catching them in a chase. To keep from falling over when they’re running, their long tails act as rudders that help guide them.

How fast can a red deer run?

The fastest deer in a forest, red deer (Cervus elaphus) are born with an instinct to run fast. They can reach speeds of 50 miles per hour (80 kilometers per hour), though they only maintain that for about two minutes at a time. Humans, on average, run about five miles per hour (8 km/h). In short bursts, however, red deer are actually faster than Olympian Usain Bolt. Bolt has been clocked at 23 miles per hour (37 km/h) over 100 meters and 26 miles per hour (42 km/h) over 200 meters. While he’s capable of longer sprints—he once ran 300 meters in under 33 seconds—he reaches his peak speed during only brief moments of a race.