A website without a great conversion rate is useless.

Higher conversions equal more sales.

If you want to beat your competition, your mission should be to increase website conversions.

In order to have awesome conversion rates, you first need to market your website. This article will discuss valuable ways to market your website in a way that will get you to higher website conversions.

Here are a few ways to market your website successfully!


People want to buy from those they trust. One of the most effective ways to increase website conversion rate is by building credibility.

Here are the most important ways to build website credibility:

  • Hire a professional to design a website for you. Design matters. If your website looks like an amateur designed it, people won’t take your business seriously.
  • Show your phone number on each web page in the header area. Don’t hide your phone number.
  • Show your physical address in the footer area of each page.
  • Display links to your social media accounts.
  • Show customer testimonials.
  • Correct all spelling errors. Have your website proofread, to eliminate any grammatical errors.
  • Design a powerful “About” page. Show photos of your staff and business. Share the story about your business.
  • If at all possible, use your own photos. Avoid stock photos.
  • If you sell a product, clearly explain your return policy.
  • If you are a B2B business, show the logos of your customers.
  • Display trust marks about SSL certificate or encryption.


Definitely one of the best ways to higher website conversions is, from your own email list.

Why would you want an email list?

It’s simple; email marketing is still one of the highest converting marketing in the world.

Don’t confuse email marketing with spam. Email marketing is about emailing people who subscribed to your email list. I am not talking about buying email lists.


The best way to do email marketing is through giving valuable information.  Resist the temptation to try to sell with every email you send out. The majority of your emails should be about providing valuable information. Before you send out an email ask yourself: “What information would be super valuable to your readers”?

The biggest problem with websites is that they do a poor job getting people to subscribe to their email list.

How do you get people to sign up for your email list?

Instead of just asking people to join your email list, give them something in return. You’re asking for their email, which is basically asking for a part of their privacy. So it needs to be worth their while.

What can you do to convince people to sign up for your email list?

One way is to set up a giveaway. This could be anything ranging from video content, e-books, exclusive access to your website, etc. When you offer something of great value people will more likely subscribe to your email list.

What do you do once you have a decent amount of people on your email list?

You must be strategic about how you communicate with them. For best results, you must plan and strategize.  You need a content strategy. In the same way, as you need a strategy to be successful in business.

Every time you send out an email you must create value for the recipient. Email marketing is not about selling every time you click the send button. Keeping subscribers is just as important as getting them. One of the best ways of using your email list is by notifying people of new content. Regularly update your subscribers about any content you feel they may find value in. Remind people why they signed up, and who you are. A lot of times we sign up for a newsletter and slowly forget why, and that leads us to unsubscribe.

How can you convert subscribers into customers?

Firstly, keep your content short and to the point. Make sure the recipient knows how they can benefit. Focus on the primary action you want them to take. Use action words like ‘’Download Now’’ or ‘’Get Started Today’’. This will create urgency. Do all this regularly. At least send one email per month. The longer pauses you take between emails the quicker they’ll forget about you. Offer them exclusive content or discounts.

Always deliver value, to build trust.

Learn about your audience, and get to know what time of day they’re most likely to check emails. As your email list grows, you need to maintain it. It would be a real shame for all your hard work to go to waste, and lose your subscribers’ interest.

Keep growing your email list, and continue to deliver value.


Videos are known to increase website conversion rates.

Did you know that Youtube gets over five billion daily views?

It is the world’s 3rd most visited website. 80% of people prefer to watch a website video, compared to 20% reading the same exact content.

People are 64% more inclined to buy something online after watching a video.

Those are powerful statistics that show that customers love video content!

Just by adding videos to your web pages, you could increase conversion rates.

Remember to keep the videos short, around ninety seconds. People are impatient and some have short attention spans, so they want to get straight to the point.

Only cover one topic, and make sure your message is clear.

If you don’t feel comfortable going on camera or you lack the right equipment, then simply outsource it.

You can hire someone with a professional presence that can produce high-quality top notch videos.


Your customers are on facebook. It makes sense to advertise your website there. Social media is one of the best and most popular ways of marketing almost anything. However, the reason Facebook stands out is not just because of its popularity. It is because it allows you to target specific people.

Your ads take into account personal interests, age, location, etc. In essence, you can direct your ads to exactly the right person. Facebook is an amazing place to do niche marketing. It enables you to look at fan pages and see how many likes (followers) it has. This will help you determine the ideal target for your product or service. Facebook advertising is simple to setup and very cost effective.

Once your ad has reached the right person, they will then proceed to go to your website, and you can let it do all the talking.


You can use effective copy to market your website. It’s also especially helpful with improving website conversion rates.

Copywriting techniques should be used for your website, video, blog articles, and emails.

Think specifically about your target customer, and write in a way like you’re speaking directly to that person. The right tone will help you connect with your target market.

Keep the website copy conversational and free of jargon.

Instead of using the ‘’we’’ you should use the word ‘’you’’. For example, ‘’Are you looking for an affordable web designer?’’ The website copy should present the problem to the visitor, then you can tell how your service will help them solve the problem.  Follow up with features and benefits. Presenting social proof is also important.

Copywriting helps your website convert viewers into leads, and then those leads into customers.


Are you skimping on your website headlines? What I mean by this is that are you not taking website headlines as seriously as you should? The bottom line is that the bulk of your advertising success will boil down to getting your reader to stop and read your ad. And the first thing that they use to determine if a web page is relevant to them is your headline.

Your headline needs to be able to compel website visitors to read more of your content. Headlines tell your reader what it is that you’re talking about. They won’t read more into your site if they don’t think your headline is for them. So your headline must have the ability to make your reader want to read more. Here’s another aspect that your headline must-have.

An effective headline gets attention

Have you searched on the internet for something, and then you came across a link that looked like it was the exact thing that you were looking for? I know for me, I click on these links almost immediately, not thinking about what the entire article is all about. Your readers will do the same with your headline.

Now it’s tough to create a headline like this, but you should know that it’s possible. Before your readers reach your website, you see they have all kinds of thoughts in their minds. It’s your headline’s job to literally “change their mind.” Your reader needs to stop thinking about what they were previously thinking about and shift their focus on your website.

As you can see, your headline plays a pivotal role in getting readers to stop and read the rest of your web page. I can remember that I ran an ad in a publication once, and now in hindsight… the headline optimization was complete garbage. Nevertheless, I still got a few people to call and leave their contact information. The headline that I used was geared towards selling a product on my web page or blog post instead of generating leads. If I could go back in time to redo my web pages, I definitely would do it.

So what’s your headline trying to do? Is it trying to sell a product? Is it geared towards generating a lead? Or do you even have a headline at all? Hopefully, you do because the headline represents over 80% of your entire ad’s success. So keep this in mind.

If you can get your headline to command attention, you’re almost there. You see, all successful headlines have this in common: they command attention and generate a response. So make sure your headline can do this also.

I simply can’t stress how important your headline is. If you’re currently running an ad but aren’t satisfied with the results, consider tweaking the headline of your ad. One small headline change could mean the difference between an “ok” response and a world-class response. Test different headlines if your current one isn’t working, and continue to run it far into the future.


Every website must be marketed. At the same time, you have to increase website conversions. The two go hand-in-hand. The above are just a few strategies of website marketing. Each of them can be tweaked to help you improve website conversions.

Hopefully, this article has shown you several ways to improve website conversions. Best of luck marketing your website!


photo credit: 01_2014_65 – How Email Marketing Can Build Small Enterprise Branding