Cats enjoy lots of sleep, about twice as much as humans. In fact, kittens can sleep up to 22-hours in a 24-hour period. Cats slip into slow-wave sleep at first and then move to REM sleep. Few species of animals sleep more than cats. Cats are natural predators, and they are most active between dusk and dawn. Sleep allows cats to recharge and rebuild their energy reserves.

Why do cats sleep so much?

Cats have evolved to spend most of the day sleeping. Sleep is necessary to conserve energy, so when it’s time hunt or scratch your furniture the cat is ready. Indeed, your house cat doesn’t need to worry about hunting, yet the instinct to sleep and prepare for the hunt remains.

Is it normal for a cat to sleep 20 hours?

It depends on the age of your cat. Fifteen hours of sleep is average for cats, but kittens can sleep up to 22-hours in a 24-hour period. Sleeping for 20-hours a day is not unusual for a cat.

Related post: The Mysterious Case of the Cat Who Smells Like Maple Syrup

How much sleep is normal for your cat?

How many hours does a cat sleep? The number of hours your cat sleeps has to do with age. As a general rule, older cats need more sleep than younger cats.

  • Kittens spend almost all day sleeping. Aside from a few brief bursts of energy between meals, you will find your kittens sleeping.
  • Intense playfulness, combined with inconsistent sleep patterns, describes the sleep habits of Adolescent cats.
  • Adults cats can spend up to 20 hours of sleep every day. Adult cats have more set sleeping schedules than adolescent cats.
  • Senior cats have reduced mobility, and they are no longer a bundle of energy. Thus, senior cats will spend more hours asleep than younger cats.

You will find that as your cat matures, he will develop recognizable wakefulness and sleep patterns. For instance, you may notice that your cat is wide awake by the time you get out of bed. Your cat might spend a little time socializing before leaving for work, then returns to sleep while you are gone.

Do cats sleep through the night?

Cats, like other crepuscular animals, are most active in their natural habitat between dusk and dawn. As nocturnal creatures, cats sleep during the day and play all night. Wild cats hunt during the night.

Is my cat really asleep?

Deep sleep is normal for cats, but snoozing is also normal for them. Cats spend about 3/4 of their total sleep time in a light sleep state. Only about 1/4 of their sleep is spent in a deep sleep.

Cats remain alert while snoozing. Cats usually snooze sitting up. They can stay upright because their muscles stiffen. It is a win-win situation for cats because they get to rest and relax while staying alert.

You may notice the eyes of your cat remain somewhat open while napping or snoozing. When cats snooze, their senses, especially those of hearing and smell, are still sharp. Their ears turn and twitch toward noises during nap time. This enables them to spring into action at a moment’s notice when they hear or smell a potential meal or threat nearby.

Why do cats sleep in the sun?

Sleeping in the sun has everything to do with warmth. The warm sun helps cats relax and feel safe. Cats also use the sun’s heat to make up for the slight drop in body temperature while asleep. They may adjust their body position to follow the movement of the sun.

Why do cats sleep with you?

Cats feel more protected around you, especially while they are sleeping. Because cats feel vulnerable while they are sleeping and seek a safe place, or body, that they trust to sleep on. When cats sleep with you, they are confirming to you that they trust you. But, it’s not just about trust. Cats also want to sleep with you for your body heat. They can relax around you and keep warm at the same time.

Why do cats sleep in a ball?

When you think of a cat, there is a good chance that you see one curled up somewhere. But why do cats like to sleep in a ball? The answer is simple. Sleeping in a ball is efficient. It helps cats preserve body heat while protecting vital body parts.

Why do cats sleep on your legs?

Your cat sleeping on your legs is a matter of affection and comfort, and also a sign of complete trust. When cats really want to fall into deep snooze, they search for a secure and warm location, and to them, there is no place more secure than the body part of their owner.

Why do cats sleep on your head?

Cats love to sleep on your head for multiple reasons. For starters, you move your head a lot less while you are resting than some of your other body parts like arms and legs. So, they know that sleeping on your head isn’t going to disturb them.

Sleeping on your head is a simple way for your cat to stay warm while asleep. You lose a lot of body heat through your head, and your cat wants to take advantage of that.

Why do cats sleep on your chest?

If your cat loves you, she will sleep on your chest. Cats show their love for you in many ways, such as kneading on your lap, rubbing their heads against your legs, licking your hands, and lying on your chest. Sleeping on your chest, your kitty is seeking for a way to increase the bond between you two.

Why do cats sleep on their backs?

If you want to see something funny, check out a cat sleeping on her back. Limbs stretched out, leaving their vulnerable parts as their stomach exposed. So, why do cats sleep on their backs? When your cat sleeps on her back, it is likely because she feels safe around you. It is less about love and more about comfort and security.

Is my cat sleeping too much?

It isn’t just the total number of hours of sleep that determines a health problem with your cat. Instead, it’s about recognizing irregularities in your cat’s sleep patterns. Paying attention to the cat’s normal sleep patterns and recognizing when that pattern changes.

If your cat begins to sleep a lot more than usual, there may be a health problem, and it may be time to visit your vet. When cats are in pain or ill, they may begin to sleep more than usual. But if your cat starts sleeping less than usual, they may be suffering from hyperthyroidism or other health conditions.

How much sleep do cats really need?

A healthy cat will sleep as many hours as needed. A kitten might sleep 20 to 22 hours each day, but you might have an old cat that only sleeps about 15-hours. If your cat is sleeping 16 hours per day, then she needs 16 hours of sleep. You know your cat, and if you notice a big change in sleep patterns, you should take her to the vet.

Do kittens sleep a lot?

How many hours does a kitten sleep? Kittens can sleep about 22 hours a day. A newborn kitten can spend 90 percent of the day sleeping. As kittens grow, they will sleep less, but not much less. A six-month-old cat can still sleep 16 to 20 hours every day.

Why does my cat sleep on me, around me, or next to me?

If you love a cat, you know that they behave differently. At one minute, they may rub their cheeks against your legs, purr, groom, or show their belly to you. But who do cats sleep on, around, and next to us? If you are a happy feline owner, you may have noticed that your cat likes to sleep around you.

Cats sleep on, around, and next to you for several reasons:


Cats are territorial. When your cat sleeps on you, she might show a sense of ownership.


Sleeping on your body gives cats a warm and cozy area.


Cats can feel vulnerable while sleeping. When your cat sleeps on you or around you, she feels secure. Your body offers protection. Your cat trusts you, and sleeping near you gives them a sense of safety. They also show their love when they sleep with you.

Good Health and Special Bonding

When you are sleeping with your cat, your cat feels loved. Being loved and stress-free can improve your cat’s health by lowering its blood pressure. When your cat can sleep peacefully on your body, her blood flows smoothly.

Overall Wellbeing

Sleeping on you is a relaxing experience for your cat. While sleeping on your chest, head, or legs, your cat feels stress-free and loved.

Do cats dream?

We believe that cats may dream just like humans. Cats dream during the stage of sleep we call REM sleep. Only about 25 percent of a cat’s sleep is deep sleep. The other 75 percent of the time, they are taking a “catnap.” This is the time when they are resting and staying alert simultaneously. You can see for yourself; your sleeping cat might have their eyes open while sleeping. If you watch closely, you might see their ears twitching toward noises.

Do cats snore?

Cats with short noses, including Himalayan and Persian, are more prone to snoring than other breeds.