Few people like snakes, and almost no one wants snakes in their yard. You don’t really want to share your yard with these legless, scaly animals. Unfortunately, many snakes use yard holes to hide or lay eggs.

Anyone who finds snake holes would rightfully ask “Why are snakes in my yard?” And if you have identified a snake hole in your yard, you’d want to know “How to get rid of snakes that dig holes in your yard?” It’s normal for homeowners to want to know how to deal with snake holes in their yard.

The best way to deal with snake holes in your yard is to leave it alone. The safe thing to do is to give the snake a chance to move on. You could also cover the hole to make sure the snake stops using it. Another effective way to deal with snake holes is to call a professional pest control company to help you get rid of the snake.

If you’re wondering how to deal with snake holes in your yard, you’re not alone. I have researched to find out how to send snakes packing safely and humanely after they moved into holes in your yard.

In this post, I am sharing information on how to deal with snake holes in your yard.

Related post: Snake Holes North Carolina

What draws snakes to your yard?

Snakes are drawn to your yard for several reasons:

  • Easy prey – Rats, mice, rodents and birds attract snakes to your yard.
  • Cool and damp places – Snakes prefer to hide in cold and damp environments.
  • Compost pilesCompost piles attract rodents – rats, raccoons, possums, mice, and other rodents – which attract snakes.
  • Hiding places – Plants and tall grass provide excellent shelter for snakes.
  • Pet food – Pet food and any other food left out in the open – will indirectly attract snakes to your yard. Old pet food will attract rodents to your yard, which will attract snakes.
  • Easy access to your yard – Make an effort to block snakes from entering your yard.
  • Easy water access – Several species of snakes prefer to hide out around the water. It helps them to stay hydrated. They can also prey on birds and other small animals around water sources.

How to identify a snake hole in your yard?

Snakes holes are circular. They are often embedded in the grass. You will know if you are dealing with a snake hole if a snake is lingering in your yard. Unfortunately, without seeing a snake entering or exiting the hole, it’s difficult to confirm that there is a snake hole in your yard.

What do you do if you have a snake hole in your yard?

You should be careful if you suspect a snake hole in your yard. Trying to remove a snake, especially a poisonous snake, from a hole can result in a bite and a visit to the emergency room.

One approach is to leave the snake alone and hope it moves out of your yard. You could also use chemical repellents to move the snake out. Or you could use a snake fence to prevent snakes from digging holes in your yard.

But, if you really want to get rid of a snake, it’s best to call a professional pest control company.

How to deal with snake holes in yard?

Think twice about how you deal with snake holes in your yard. You don’t want to mess with rattlesnakes. The best response to a snake hole in your yard is to leave it alone.

Covering snake holes is another good way to deal with the situation. A covered hole will discourage snakes from entering. Often snakes move into the holes other small animals dig in your yard. You can cover these holes with boards, burlap, or wire fencing. If you decide to cover a snake hole, work carefully to avoid startling the snake.

What kind of snakes leave holes in the ground?

All snakes hide in holes. But snakes don’t dig holes. Most snakes can’t physically dig a hole. What snakes do is reuse the holes other small animals dig. Snakes prefer to spend time in rodent, frog, lizards, rats, moles, squirrels, gopher, and tortoise or turtle holes.

A few snakes can excavate their own holes like womas, black headed pythons, and sand boas. And in the eastern United States, female hognose snakes dig holes to lay their eggs. But, many snakes are more likely to bury themselves than dig an actual hole in the ground.

How do you know if there is a snake hole in your yard?

A hole in your yard doesn’t mean it’s a snake hole. The only way to know if there is a snake hole in your yard is to see a snake enter or exit the hole. Snakes use holes to hide from predators or humans.

You may have holes dug in your yard made by small animals. But, that doesn’t mean snakes won’t move into these holes. If there is a snake in your backyard, it may hide in a hole to escape from the heat of the sun.

There is an easy way to tell if a snake uses a hole in your yard. Snakes leave telling imprints on the earth as evidence of their presence. Like humans leave footprints, snakes leave imprints in the sand and dirt. In fine sand, you can even make out the fine belly scales of snakes around holes.

Where do snakes make holes in the yard?

Snakes don’t really make holes in yards. But, snakes use holes dug by rodents and other small animals. Look for holes close to food and water sources in concealed areas. Snakes prefer holes under dense vegetation or bushes.

How deep do snake holes go?

How deep snake holes go depends on what animal has made the hole. Snake holes can be a few inches deep or much deeper. Snakes use holes that are large enough to fit their body. Some snakes use holes to lay their eggs. So, the hole these snakes use need to be large enough to hide their body and their eggs.

How do you get rid of a snake den in your yard?

Before you try to get rid of a snake in your yard, you should give it a chance to move on. Don’t try to touch the snake. But you could give it a bit of a nudge with water. Use a garden hose and give the snake a squirt. Most snakes will move on with a bit of encouragement.

Do copperheads dig holes?

Copperheads don’t dig holes. A copperhead may hide in a hole that was made by another animal, like an armadillo. Abandoned holes provide the perfect nesting spot for copperheads and other snakes.

Do snakes make holes in mulch?

Snakes don’t make holes in mulch. There may be mulch around a hole a snake uses to hide.

How to prevent snakes from digging holes in the yard?

Snakes don’t dig holes in yards, so you can’t prevent it. But, you can snake-proof your yard to prevent snakes from using holes in your yard. For example, you can cover holes to stop snakes from using it. You could also install a solid perimeter fence to keep snakes out of your yard.

How to repel snakes in yard?

You can repel snakes by making your yard unattractive to them. Snakes are attracted to yards with rats and mice. These rodents are a natural food source for snakes; the more rodents you have, the more snakes you’ll have in your yard.

Therefore, if you have a rat or mouse problem, you will also have a snake problem in your yard. So, to repel snakes, you first must repel squirrels and other rodents. First, seal up any holes in the exterior of your home, close up open trash bins, keep your grass mowed, and clean up debris piles in the yard.

Eliminating the easy food source will reduce the chance of a serpent settling in a hole in the yard. Similarly, squirrels and chipmunks are common food sources for snakes. Therefore, get rid of bird feeders until you get your snake problem under control. What’s worse, some snakes will climb trees and eat bird eggs—another reason for removing your bird feeders for now.

Cover holes and other potential hiding places. Reptiles also like to use areas for sunbathing. If you have a patio or decorative stone garden, snakes might use them as a heat source, attracting them to your yard. Stone formations could also serve as entry points for snake holes.

Inspect your yard for holes. Any hole entrance should be sealed to deter snakes from entering.

You should clear thick vegetation or low brush to eliminate potential snake hideouts. And replace loose mulch with decorative gravel.

Snakes are excellent climbers. They can easily climb into your home or crawlspace, or attic. Closing up holes in your yard is good rodent control, and it will also help you keep snakes out. Snake-proofing your yard will make sure that these reptiles can’t find proper shelter or food in your yard.

Sometimes a dog or cat can help you keep snakes out of the yard. But, if you are dealing with a poisonous snake, employing a pet is a bad idea.

If you’re lucky enough not to have a snake in your yard yet, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

You have three options for getting rid of snake holes. The first and best option is to call a pest control company. A professional will get rid of a snake hole safely. Such a pest control professional can catch and remove the snakes from your yard and take action to solve your snake problem.

Another option is to buy a snake trap if you wish to catch the snake yourself. And the third option is to seal or fill all holes in your yard and snake-proof your yard to keep snakes away and out of the yard.